Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 11 - February 9, 2010 - The Beginning

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It ended up being a pretty long and rainy day. It was pouring when I woke up and it rained until 1 hour before we stopped for the day. It was an 8hr hike, but we stopped after 6 hours on the trail. There was lots of loose rock and tricky terrain. There is a lot of road construction going on which loosened a lot of gravel and stones. Throughout the day we could hear thunderous crashes in the distance of rocks naturally coming down from the sides of the canyon we were in.

We stopped frequently and had tea at the villages along the way. We had dinner in Karte which was amazing. Khem bought a live rooster and had it prepared in "burning feathers off over the fire" style. Part was made into regular curry and the burned feathers were mixed with cornmeal and made into a different dish that was supposed to be good for muscle soreness. We were able to sit in the kitchen and watch everything being prepared on the wood stove.

We also had "mustang coffee" which is raksi mixed with instant coffee. Raksi is distilled jar, it can be pretty strong stuff.

Go to Day 12

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